Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why did our early ancestors walk on two feet?

    Why did early humans begin to walk on two feet?
Did you know that out of the 4,000 mammals on earth right now humans are the only ones who can consistently walk on two feet? Walking on two feet or being bipedal (bi meaning two in Latin, and pedal meaning foot also in Latin) is not a new thing; scientists and archaeologists say that early hominids have been walking on two feet for about 3,000,000 years! Some scientists say that hominids could have been bipedal 6,000,000 years ago but that information is not supported enough to be a fact. There are many theories that attempt to explain why humans are bipedal. Here are some theories why early humans began to walk on two feet.
Hands Up
Compared to many animals we are not very fast creatures. Our early ancestor’s goal was to stay alive, and to do this they had to feed and protect themselves. Many scientists including Darwin think we evolved to walk on two legs so our hands can be free in order to carry things such as food or weapons. This theory is very logical, but scientists have their doubts. The reason why this theory may not be true is because the stone artifacts found only date to about 2.6 million years ago. Hominids started walking on two feet about 3,000,000 years ago; the stone artifacts were invented a long time after hominids became bipedal. However that doesn’t mean that our early ancestors didn’t use their hands to gather and carry food around.

Looking Over
                About 5,000,000 years ago Africa endured a major change; it used to be covered with lush green trees and vegetation. As time went on the forest decreased and changed to what it is now a hot dry savanna (well in most parts of Africa). As this hot sensation arrived animals began to move around, and in order for our early ancestors to survive they had to follow the animals. Scientists also think that early hominids were bipedal because it was easier to see their surroundings.Scientists have created a theory that states that in order to be able follow and navigate where they were, they had to stand and look over the tall savanna grass. Now this theory is very debatable just like all the theories are, this theory is also very logical however archaeologists and scientists do not have enough proof to support this theory. Now many scientists believe that early hominids became bipedal because of the fact it was just more efficient that walking on all fours. Walking on two legs was a faster form of transportation when following a herd of animals through a hot dry climate.
                To conclude my blog post there are many theories why early humans began to walk on two feet. Scientists have not found enough proof or support to each theory. Even if one theory makes a lot of since and there is some proof about it, scientists have to make sure that it has enough proof to support the theory in order for it to become a fact. Bipedalism will be a very debatable topic until we find a very good supporting theory of why early humans began to walk on two feet. But walk we did, and that my friends, made all the difference.

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