Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Unit #2 Reflecton

Prehistory + Early Humans.

Describe how you prepared/studied for the unit test.
            I prepared for the test by first re-reading all the chapters each night. After Mrs. Moore showed us the “cheat sheet” I tried practicing making cheat sheets for the test. I reaserched on about early humans on a site called: http://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species/homo-neanderthalensis. This really helped me learn about the features on early humans. This website had a great interactive time like that helped me understand when specific early humans lived. After researching I created a chart that explained the differences of the early humans. When I was studying for the test, the chart gave a few extra facts about the early hominids. A few days before the test I started combining the cheat sheet and the word study, I was trying to see what I remembered from studying the words. Most of the time I quizzed myself. The day before the test my sister quizzed on the word study.     
Do you think your studying strategies were effective – why/why not?
            I think that my studying strategies were effective, I really felt like the cheat sheet practice really helped me the most. I like the fact that I can walk into the test and put everything down on paper and really see what I know. In the past I would go into a test with a lot of knowledge about the subject, but because of test anxiety I would slowly forget what I knew.
How will you prepare next time?
             The first test we had I focused too much on the word study, this test I might have studied to much of the facts and not enough on the word study.  I think next time I should do more of working on the cheat sheet and on the word study, making an equal balance.
What was the most surprising thing you learned about during this unit?
            I think that the most surprising thing that I learned about this unit is Lucy. I thought that it was extremely amazing how scientists and archaeologists could find footsteps 83 feet underground that were about 3,000,000 years old!
If we had more time to spend on Prehistory + Humans- what would you want to learn more about?
            I would defiantly like to learn more about the Leakys and Lucy! I thought it was very interesting topic and I would love to learn more about it! I would like to learn how they found the footsteps of Leotoli, and how they determined to dig.

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