Friday, May 27, 2011

The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal represents the vow of true love. It all started with Prince Kurrham seeing the beautiful Arjumand at the bazaar.  It was love at first sight, and with the Kings blessing the Prince Kurrham and Arjumand wed. The years together were fantastic. The two were inseparable and the empire was the best ever. The Princess bore many children and the Prince won many battles during their marriage.
Taj Mahal Wallpaper
Unfortunately one very unlucky day the Prince was messaged that the Emperor was ill and had died.  He was the new ruler of India. Shah Jahan went to work right away, building up the empire making it even better. He consulted with his beautiful wife very often, asking her opinion regularly. After few years after the emperor had died; Shah Jahan’s wife announced that she was expecting another child. Shah Jahan was thrilled, but he soon found out that he was going to war. After weeks of pleading Shah Jahan regretfully took his wife with him. However weeks turned into months, the battle raged on. His wife was expecting in a few days everyone started to get anxious.
 In the early morning he left to go to battle, during the day he got a message that his wife had a beautiful baby boy! Later that day he got an urgent message from his wife’s servant. He rushed to her side; she told him that she was going to die. With regret in his heart, his wife took her last breath that night.
 When returned home, heartbroken, he was depressed couldn’t do anything but morn. After weeks of fasting and morning a dream told him to create a place that connected both earth and heaven together. A beautiful palace he decided. Upon dreaming this he summoned the greatest architects and calligraphers in the whole world to build a monument of his wife Arjumand. This monument stands her as a shrine of love between a young shopkeeper and a prince.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Choose one practice from the Buddhist Eightfold Path and describe how you could incorporate it in your life OR provide an example from your life of a time when you have demonstrated one of the practices.

The practice from the Buddhist Eightfold Path that I chose to purse is:
#8 Deep Concentration. 

     In life we encounter a lot of problems and issues. To continue and move forward in life we have to solve the problems. A lot times we create problems by not thinking before we act. One way to prevent this is deeply thinking about what you do so you don't create the problems. If that doesn't work you have to concentrate on figuring out what the problem is and how you are going to solve it. I feel that in life when we are in deep concentration everything that we do then will be very thoughtful.

     I can relate this to math problems. This unit that we just had was word problems, 11th grade word problems. When I first saw the packet that we had I was stunned on how hard the problems were. As I continued to work on the problems I gradually got the hang of each type of problem. There was one day that I worked on the problems for 4 hours and 35 minutes. I didn't realize how long I had worked on it because I was in such deep conversation. I ended getting all of the problems right because I had worked on them for so long in such deep conversation. I think if I continue this additude towards problems I will work them out in no time. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mapping Project Blog Post

Mapping Project Blog Post

a) How do physical features, climate and elevation relate to each other?
Physical features such as mountains usually have a higher elevation, and have a stronger and colder climate. Depending on the physical feature the climate and elevation are varied. For example deserts are usually lower in elevation and also warmer compared to mountains physical feathure.
Rocky Mountains    
b) What conclusions can you draw?
    (Think about natural resources, climate/weather, and human settlement.)
Ancient people settled in areas that they could easily accustom to. Many civilizations have settled by rivers because it is such an important part of our life. Living in a and extreme climate is a very hard task. Living in an area where the elevation is extremely high is also a hard task. The ancient people of present day India have settled in places where they can easily get used to the climate. To build a civilization is a difficult task, and one of the things that might make it easier for you is to settle in a place where it is good for living.

Kali: The dark mother

Kali: The Dark Mother

Kali is the ferocious mother goddess, she is a very powerful goddess in the Hindu religion. She was brought to this world by Devi Mahatmya by a composition that was made in the 5th-6th century AD. She was supposedly born from the brow of the Durga Goddess, this was at the time when there were many battles against the evil forces. As the legend goes after Kali was born she got so into the battle that she started to destroy everything in sight. Her features resemble a fierce createure with four arms. In  many pictures she is holding a sword in one hand and a head of a demon in the other. Her earings resemble two cut off heads, her necklace also resembles skulls of animals. Her attire is made out of human hands. Her facial features are very unique, her eyes are blood red with her tongue stuck out. Kali’s eyes are very important because they represent the models of time, past, present and future. She is known for devouring time. The reason why people worship her is because she is the goddess of time and death, both aspects very important to the Hindu religion.

The Lost City of Mohenjo Daro

Mohenjo Doro
     Mohenjo Doro is a excavated city that was very well planned. Mohenjo Doro is very unique compared to many other ancient and successful civilizations. Mohenjo Doro was organized, it had public sytems, residential homes, and held a population of about 35,000 for a number of years.

     The reason why archaeologists know that this ancient city was successful was because of the brilliant engineers. The people of Mohenjo Doro built their city above ground to prevent from floods. One of the most remarkable things about this city was the sewer system. Almost every house had an indoor bathroom. This was accompanied with a full set of sewer pipes that run along throughout the city. 

     They had two sides of the city, one for public buildings such as the citidal. The other side was the residental side with many small work shops. They also built canals that drained any extra water that came from the near by Indus River.

       The life in Mohenjo-Daro was simple jet organized, they had a strick trading system, and a blooming cotton industry. They also had a great army, which had chariots that gave them a leg-up during battles. By far they were the most powerful civilization that present day India has, they were organized, sophisticated and advanced in their ways of surviving for thousands of years.

Sites Used:
Roach, John. "Lost City of Mohenjo Daro -- National Geographic." Science and Space Facts, Science and Space, Human Body, Health, Earth, Human Disease - National Geographic. 2011. Web. 24 May 2011. .
Rajamanohar. "YouTube - ‪Indus Valley Civilization(mohenjo-daro)‬‏." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 1 Apr. 2008. Web. 24 May 2011. .

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

End of Unit Reflection- Egypt

Humanities IB learner Profile Reflection

What did we do this unit??
Mapping project –Nile-Geography
Art-Culture-daily life-what believed
Rulers of Egypt
Egypt Project
Jeopardy-horrible histories-video

During this unit on Ancient Egypt we learned and developed our knowledge of daily lives of people existing thousands of years ago. At the beginning of the unit we learned about the Nile, we learned that Egypt was the ‘bread basket’ of Africa. The Egyptian civilization was created because of Nile. This river made survival possible in a desert. When learning about the geography of the Nile we inquired the knowledge of what gifts the Nile presented ancient Egyptians. Then we moved on in the unit to the culture of the Egyptians, we learned about the daily life, culture and, religion. We studied about the rulers of ancient Egypt and what the impacts they had on the civilization. When learning we researched on the internet and took notes from a text book. This was then followed up by the final project- we taught the class about a certain subject in the class each one of us creating a presentation. We concluded the unit with a wrap up of Horrible History Videos and a fun Jeopardy game.  Throughout this unit I have used many of the IB learner profiles here are 5 that I really think that I developed during this unit.
Ancient Egypt
When living in Egypt I was fascinated in the history, we went to several different places around Egypt. I think in this unit I already had a lot of knowledge about ancient Egypt, but I also learned a lot more about it. During this unit I developed a curiosity for the Nile both now and in ancient times. I started to understand how significant the Nile back then, and without it a civilization could have been lost. I also realized that the Nile has a huge impact on Egypt. After many years the Nile has become polluted and durty, the country has suffered from this. In my spare time I have learned about the effects of the polluted Nile. I found that a dirty water and polluted country decreases tourism (which is the main economic source of Egypt), and I have found that diseases have been spread because of the mucky water. Learning about the Nile has helped me acquire knowledge and interest in the modern health of Egypt today.
I think that I best represented being a thinker when I came up with a thesis statement. I had the help of Mrs. Moore to conduct this thinking process. I think that I had a solid thesis statement, and the most important thing is that I have more of an idea how a thesis statement is written. In the past these 2-3 sentences have been the hardest part of writing an essay or presenting an essay. Learning this I have applied thinking skills critically in a situation with a complex problem.
During a presentation it is almost like you are up in front of an audience in a production. The key thing to do is to learn your lines, speak clearly, and fill yourself with excitement. That is what I always try to pursue when in a presentation, it is hard, but when you accomplish that you really feel good. When I was thinking about how I wanted to present I automatically knew that I should not only talk but a combination of things to keep the audience awake. I decided on something to do with the internet, a PowerPoint, and board work. I started off with a Voki character; I wanted to make a bold statement when starting to teach. Then I presented my main idea and then to conclude I wrote on the board-which I found to be very hard.
I think that I demonstrated this when I picked the subject of sail boats, this was a subject that I knew that many people would not think about presenting so I wanted to learn about it. This was not my first choice I actually wanted to present about the daily life about Egyptians and the influence of the Nile. However, when skimming though a book I found out sailing and how it had such an impact on the Egyptian civilization that I decided to present it. A bonus was I am really interested in the Nile and sailing had a lot to do with the Nile. So it was a win win situation. I think in this situation I was exploring new roles, ideas and strategies when presenting knowledge.
After doing the teaching project I did a lot of reflecting, or looking back at my work. I figured out that I would like to write on the board before class starts instead of writing while I am in class. That way I will be able to make eye-contact with the students when concluding, so I know that I get all the information across. I also liked the Voki at the beginning of the presentation, I liked how it was different from the other presentations and it made the audience become more alive. During this unit I think that I was able to give thoughtful consideration to my own learning experience when teaching a class.


How Physical environment affect the development of civilizations?

During this unit we learned that the development of a civilization relies of the physical features of the surrounding area. In history when we look at civilizations that have thrived for thousands of years we notice that one common thing feature that they all have in common is a large water supply. The Incas had many tributaries of the Amazon River to live off of; many archaeologists say that this is why the Incas survived so long. The people who lived in what is now India, had the Ganges to supply their source of water, this helped them to live long also. The Egyptians had the Nile, it provided the three essential gifts; water, protection, and farming. Without the Nile in Egypt here would only have been a hot dry desert and masses of history would have been lost. The physical environment is like the foundation of a civilization, if there is a bad foundation the civilization will not be not as strong, if there is a good foundation the house will last a long time.