Thursday, May 26, 2011

Choose one practice from the Buddhist Eightfold Path and describe how you could incorporate it in your life OR provide an example from your life of a time when you have demonstrated one of the practices.

The practice from the Buddhist Eightfold Path that I chose to purse is:
#8 Deep Concentration. 

     In life we encounter a lot of problems and issues. To continue and move forward in life we have to solve the problems. A lot times we create problems by not thinking before we act. One way to prevent this is deeply thinking about what you do so you don't create the problems. If that doesn't work you have to concentrate on figuring out what the problem is and how you are going to solve it. I feel that in life when we are in deep concentration everything that we do then will be very thoughtful.

     I can relate this to math problems. This unit that we just had was word problems, 11th grade word problems. When I first saw the packet that we had I was stunned on how hard the problems were. As I continued to work on the problems I gradually got the hang of each type of problem. There was one day that I worked on the problems for 4 hours and 35 minutes. I didn't realize how long I had worked on it because I was in such deep conversation. I ended getting all of the problems right because I had worked on them for so long in such deep conversation. I think if I continue this additude towards problems I will work them out in no time. 

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