Saturday, January 22, 2011

Enheduana of Sumer

Enheduana, is the earliest known female author and poet in the world that history knows by name. She is also dubbed as the Shakespeare of Sumerian literature. Living around 2334 to 2279 B.C. not only was she a prized daughter, but the priestess of Inanna, the moon god. She was the daughter of one of the greatest Akkadian kings, Sargon. Enheduana learned how to write at a very young age she had a special talent when writing. As the years progressed she wrote many poems and hymns.
1.       What did books look like during the time that Enhedunana was writing? How were these books written?
Books back then were written on clay tablets. Clay compared to paper was a lot more long-lasting. Archaeologists have found over fifty tablets with the same poem on them. This means that Enheduana was a very good writer and sold a lot of copies. These books were written by only few, many people were illiterate, sometimes including wealthy people like the king. The books were written by engraving into the wet clay. Over the years archaeologists have been able to slowly decipher the Sumerian language.
2.       Where did Enheduana and her family live? What did her father do?
Enheduana’s father was a great king; he ruled the city-state of Akkad and expanded his rule over Kish making them both important cities of Sumer. Since her father was a king, I would think they would live in some sort of fancy home, since they weren’t the common people.
3.       What was Enheduana’s job? List three of her duties. How did she lose her job?
·         Priestess of Nanna
·         Poet
·         Hymn writer
She had to leave her home town, and move to the city-state of Ur. She had to work hard so the higher powers would smile on the land and keep the crops, animals, and people well and prosperous. She also burned incense and other perfumed resins, so the Gods would smell good. Most important ritual duty was the annual New Year celebration each spring. She played the part of Inanna, she would reenact the marriage of a goddess and a human each year. Her nephew took her father’s position and her nephew’s daughter took her place.
4.       The author says that Enheduana’s poems were so close popular that they were like bestsellers today. What evidence does she use to support this claim?
Vicki Leon makes the comparison between Enheduana’s work and bestsellers because archaeologists found many clay tablets of the same writing piece.
5.       Enheduana’s writings are hymns of praise, but they also tell us about the times she lived in. Describe one “current event” that Enheduana wrote about.
She wrote about how she was dressed in jewels, and how she was the first lady of the throne. She writes about her experiences about how she was living in the place and writing hymns to Inanna

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