Monday, February 14, 2011

End of the Unit Reflection

Unit Reflection

b) The transition from hunter-gatherer communities to the first civilizations

1. In 2-3 sentences for each topic, summarize what you learned about the following:
The domestication of plants and animals provided a stable amount of food or surplus, this, as a result caused a big change in population growth of a culture. With a stable amount of food source, more types of opportunities began to arise such as different occupations. The beginning of farming was a big step in our history, and the domestication of plants and animals improved this big step to make it even more polished step.  
This transition between the hunter-gatherer stages to the first civilizations marked a huge step in our history. This is a time when the earth was encountering big changes such as a drought. This made the early humans worry, so they learned how to farm. Instead of being nomadic they settled and observed from their surroundings learning how to live in another way.  This then led to the domestication of animals and plants when led to new occupations.
    c) Early religion and beliefs
 Many different civilizations had their own perspective about whom or what they worshiped. Some cultures were polytheism which meant they believed in more than God. This then led to the subject of social classes, this started off with the priests. Many times they sacrificed people and animals to please the Gods.

2. Imagine someone saying to you, "Learning about the Sumerians isn't very
    important since they're long gone!" What would you tell them in order to change their mind?

                Sumerians are a very important civilization because they were the first to settle and survive in the harsh land between the Euphrates and Tigris. They lived from about 3500 B.C. to 1800 B.C. They lived in a harsh climate, so their solution was inventing irrigation systems; this resulted to a great food supply. Sumerians are important to learn and understand because it is a jig-saw piece how we got to be such industrial, consuming people.  They also had a very complex writing system called cuneiform; this was a very primitive type of writing of hieroglyphics.

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